Hello everyone, sorry I haven’t been updating this much but I promise I will start now! It has been a busy few months with a lot of exciting things happening for Samuel’s Smile!
First of all we had our first event for the children with RARE diseases. We took 23 families to Blair Drummond Safari Park, coaches arrived at the Daily Record HQ at 10am for all the SMILERS and the kids who could accompany us on our journey!
We arrived at the Safari at 11am and went through the animal enclosures where the Tigers, Lions, Zebra’s, Rhino’s and other animals are! We had a marque set up with Samuel’s Smile banners and animal balloons as well! We then had many special guests Anna, Elsa and Olaf thanks to Glasgow Princess parties who provided the frozen singalong and party games as well!
My big brother and his friend as Spiderman and Batman who also went around the safari and collected donations if you wanted to get pictures with them that raised money for the charity as well! The faces on the kids faces when Olaf was there and singing with Anna and Elsa Let It Go, every single one of them singing their heart out, it made everything worthwhile. It was priceless, the day was amazing filled with laughter and tears!
Since the safari I was selected to be in the series of the Daily Record TV adverts! Watch it here The advert took a couple of days to make and still can’t believe how well it turned out and thanks to the amazing and talented Director David Eustace, Jackie McGuigan and John McCauley and the other guys who helped David make the advert! But from this advert amazing things has happened…

But before I tell you what has happened we had a Masquerade Ball at the British Leigion in Knightswood. An amazing women named Vicki Peters organised the night where we raised a total of £1,600 and a special guest attended, Sanjeev or better known as…Naveed from Still Game who managed to come along and if you wanted to get a picture with him you needed to put a donation in the bucket! Amazing night and amazing amount of money raised, and all the masks were amazing.
All from this advert I have been able to find a precious little girl who’s Mom and Dad contacted me through my facebook page asking if it was me and letting us know that her little girl who was 10 weeks old at the time was diagnosed with the same condition as me! All because they seen the advert the baby is hopefully going to be able to receive the treatment she needs and will be hopefully not as sick as she usually is. She is a little gift from heaven, me and my family went up to Aberdeen to where her they are the now and was able to give them some hope and was able to answer any questions they were asking.
Another amazing thing that came about all because of the advert I received an email from a man called Rob Kingsley who had seen my advert and is actually an award winning Elvis tribute act! He has his own band and has been everywhere preforming the King’s music! If some of you may not know i am a massive Elvis fan and went to Graceland in 2010 for Elvis week thanks to Vicki for raising funds to take me and was able to live a dream for a week! Rob also said in his email that he would love for me to come on stage and perform the wonder of you as in the advert say about my love for Elvis and my favourite song is the Wonder of You, My Mom always says it’s about me. He is coming to the Kings Theatre on February the 4th 2016.
Updates will be on weekly, thanks again for everyone’s support love you all and remember…KEEP SMILING Samuel x